Working with Developing Economies 

The services we offer:

Option 1: Stand alone consultation services: is relevant to a country/department looking to explore the way forward to grow women in your country and requires a clear cut strategy on how to go about this. My team and I would like to work with you to conduct a base line analysis, establish goals, milestones, strategy, mandate and scope of project and then create a viable plan with measurable KPIs.

Option 2: Create country specific programs: is relevant to a country/department looking to specifically improve illiteracy and eradicate poverty levels among women, reduce levels of gender based violence, tackle issues of human trafficking and improve capacity in women intending to take up leadership and entrepreneurial roles. In addition to all of the points mentioned in option one, we conduct a base line analysis to establish key structural barriers and how they impede women in this category. We then conduct research to create a viable tool to help women in this category. Once the tool/program has been created, WallStreet Coaching conducts a pilot test of the program. Provided the client is happy with the result (which will be benchmarked against KPIs) we then proceed to training key people (for example, train the trainer and by region), a tailored manual and ongoing support for the next three months will be provided. Once the training has been provided we arrange a round table discussion on the way forward.

Option 3: Implementation of country specific programs: is relevant to a country/department looking to implement the program that we had created during option 2: together with program implementation we include the services mentioned in option 1 and 2. We create and execute project work streams and see the project life cycle through to completion. To ensure an overall successful rollout of the program we recruit and train teams at both national and regional levels and by measuring competency against benchmarked KPIs while monitoring progress and providing feedback over a twelve month period. Once the training has been provided we arrange a round table discussion on the way forward.

Option 4: Engage in International support: is relevant to a country looking to grow women empowerment and to obtain international support: One of the best ways of achieving this is by holding a key international event and inviting key leaders/delegates from various parts of the world to participate. We conduct research and work with you to come up with the best possible event. Once the type of the event has been agreed on, we work with you on designing the program/event in accordance with your goals and vision. This includes program planning and sequence of the event. After the event we arrange a round table discussion on the way forward. Once the type of service has been agreed on we draw up an agreement between the party/parties involved and WallStreet Coaching Foundation. Once we receive a signed agreement and payment for the services and all relevant documentation has been exchanged we commence with the work for you.

Finally, after the program/event we also request that you share your working experience with us.  

A note on Funding: At this stage WallStreet Coaching Foundation does not fund any country or third party organisation for programs, tools, initiatives or events which we coordinate on your behalf. We do offer to provide you with a letter in the event of you approaching donors and sponsors and we also assist you with a few funding strategies.

Redefining women leads to redefining your country. Get started Now!


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